
Creating links between cultures

BATIK International was created in 1998 by two immigrants’ granddaughters (Isabelle DEVAUX from Laos and Catherine MECHKOUR-DI MARIA from Algeria) in order to develop solidarity projects linked to their country of origin.

The organisation, symbolising a “return to the roots”, is one of the many results of immigration processes in France. “Here and there” is the identity building conflict that many immigrants’ descendants face, which can lead them to build active and fruitful bridges between France, Europe and their lands of origins. This ethic of exchange is respectful, mutual and fair, and remains until today at the heart of BATIK International’s identity.


Why "batik" ?

Batik is a flower pattern fabric, made from a printing process used in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Like a batik made from interwoven strands, the organisation creates links between people from Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean region.

*Since 2009, the « indonesian batik » is part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


Choosing a fairer world

Everyone is unique in her/his traits and capacities. Combined with the ones of others, our differences contribute to develop a society based on diversity, respect and harmony. We believe that being able to achieve one’s own ambitions, while respecting other people’s, is a fundamental human right.

However, from one country to another, everyone has not the same opportunities to thrive. Whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, male or female, many discriminations can lead to unequal access to basic resources, notably in the awareness of one’s social and economic rights and the means to claim them.

Thanks to our partners’ support, we work together at empowering disadvantaged people and communities, so they can become a force for changing their own life, revealing their skills and building a brighter future.


Thematic approaches

Since 1998, our core job consists in engineering, coordinating and monitoring development projects. Our work is based on creating lasting partnerships, and aligns with principles of reciprocity and equity. Gender and capitalisation approaches are at the centre of the actions we develop with our local and international partners.

Our projects meet the needs of vulnerable people in the following fields :

- Access to social and economic rights (awareness and information sessions…)

- Socio-economic integration (supporting entrepreneurship, trainings…)

We also provide technical support to our peers (civil society organisations) so they can properly assist people in need (women, young people, migrants…). This technical support may include trainings, experience-sharing and an individual coaching regarding their expectations.

Involved in several networks of civil society organisations, we share our knowledge and good practices with other organisations on both sides of the Mediterranean. We also reflect together on the effective impacts of our common actions.

Board and team


BATIK International is a non-profit association under the 1901 law which has a Management and Executive Board. Every year, its members hold a meeting and take decisions about the general directions. On this occasion, the moral and financial report and the activities report are shown and approved by vote. The members are also in charge of electing a president and the Management Board. The latter ensures the implementation of decisions taken during the general meetings and elects an Executive Board which is in charge of BATIK International’s sound management.

Management and Executive Board



Located in Paris, Hanoi and Algiers, we coordinate and support the implementation of actions defined with our local partners on the basis of identified needs. We also ensure the follow up with our financial partners while we work at developing BATIK International’s activities. With our experience and practices developed on the field, we mainly act as a resources center, especially for our partners and peers. We regularly promote and broadcast our outputs for free, such as technical trainings, sharing skills, capitalisation of experiences, etc.

Vietnam Team

France Team
Main office (Paris)

Algeria Team

Key figures

Since 1998



37 projects
More than 65
operational partners
About 10 000
people individually
More than 40 000
recipients of
and information activities

In 2023

6 ongoing projects

employees in Paris – 3 in Hanoi 

35 active partnerships, 7 of which for more than 9 years

981 742 euros of estimated budget, of which 90% are dedicated to programs

Active member in 5 national and international networks

10 intervention countries: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, France, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Tunisia, Vietnam



7701 people have improved their access to rights

 4643 increased their capacity and knowledge

   1649 people strengthened their power to act 

13560 people were affected by our activites, including    8547 directly.


Annual report 2018


Source of funds


BATIK International works with subsidies coming mostly from :

-  the French government (French Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Ministry of Social Affairs, etc.)

 local authorities (the Ile-de-France Region, Departmental Board of Seine-Saint-Denis, the City of Paris).

-   private funds from foundations and companies.

Every year, the accounts are certified by an external auditor.